My AmeriCorps Experience at Seven Valleys Health Coalition


I started my AmeriCorps Rural Health Service Corps position 100% virtually as it was at the height of the pandemic in December 2020. I didn’t meet any of the Seven Valleys Health Coalition staff in person until April 2021! Despite the challenges of starting a new position virtually, I felt completely immersed in the mission of SVHC. I initially worked on creating listings for local farmers on the website. In speaking with farmers, I learned how extensive our agricultural system is here in Cortland County. You can truly find everything here- from honey to sheep’s milk cheese to organic veggies!

I was able to deliver 1,600 pounds of beets through the Seven Valleys Food Rescue program to food donation centers in Cortland, Cincinnatus, Virgil, and Ithaca. I met people working and volunteering who are dedicated to serving our community during a time when their services were needed more than ever.

Through our Supports for Health program I helped get people connected to our subsidized Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) shares through our Produce Prescription component. Not only was the CSA providing access to fresh, local produce to our community, it also helped to support local agriculture - a win-win! In July, I set up a table during the Cortland County Jr. Fair where I met many community members and introduced people to our programs including handing out composting kits to help reduce food waste. I hadn’t been to the fair since I was a kid so it was also a bonus to see the 4-H cow showings and displays!

I helped to host focus groups for the Hunger Coalition to better understand the needs of people facing food insecurity in Cortland County and how the coalition and the organizations addressing food insecurity can better serve our community. Through one-on-one conversations I learned the intricacies of navigating food assistance programs. I heard stories of strength, hope, and resilience in light of the difficult year it has been due to the pandemic. In spite of personal difficulties, those I spoke with were working together to help their neighbors. This community spirit is what makes me proud to call Cortland my home!

Overall, my experience through AmeriCorps at SVHC was dynamic and taught me more than I could have predicted it would. Most importantly, I learned how food and health go hand in hand. Food access is one of the most pressing needs rural communities face. My time at Seven Valleys taught me how to meet those I am serving where they are, no matter the circumstances. I will bring these lessons with me in my future healthcare career. I will miss my time at SVHC but I am so thankful for the chance I had to work with some of the most caring and dedicated people I have met!