The SVHC AmeriCorps Experience


For any readers who have not met me, hello! My name is Avery Barber and I am the current AmeriCorps member of Seven Valleys Health Coalition. I started my AmeriCorps service in October 2021 and will be finishing up in September 2022, just a few short months away. My year of service has passed quicker than expected but you know what they say; time flies when you’re having fun!

A large part of my education and experience has focused on food justice and the importance of community in food. I am passionate about creating a culture around affordable, healthy, tasty local foods as well as breaking the stigma around food assistance – which has aligned perfectly with my AmeriCorps position.

During my AmeriCorps service I have had the opportunity to participate in several food rescues. It has been such a great experience working with dedicated volunteers who share similar values as my own. Assisting with the development of food hub for Seven Valleys Food Rescue has been another highlight of my service.

Recently, I have had the opportunity to chair the Hunger Coalition, a subcommittee of the Cortland Food Project, which has helped me become more comfortable facilitating group meetings.

Working on the creation of a storytelling program for food insecure Cortland County community members has been the most enlightening project I have worked on so far. Having the opportunity to hear first-hand recounts of food insecurity from members of the community that helped raise me is incredibly humbling. I hope that this storytelling program will help push food policy and end the stigma around hunger and food insecurity.

The last nine months have been a fabulous learning experience and a great soft entry into the professional world for me, and I am so excited to have accepted a full-time position with SVHC after my AmeriCorps service term ends.

The goal of all AmeriCorps positions are to provide a meaningful service experience for the member while also offering the opportunity to learn and develop professional skills. AmeriCorps positions are great for students or recent graduates looking for valuable experience or a resume builder. Past SVHC AmeriCorps members can attest.

Theresa Rodabaugh, SVHC’s 2019/2020 AmeriCorps member says, “At SVHC I found my work was meaningful and had an impact on the community… simultaneously I found I grew professionally and personally, using many of the skills gained at my current job.”

2020/2021 SVHC AmeriCorps member, Grace Gugerty, utilized her AmeriCorps education award towards graduate school, completing a Masters degree from SUNY Upstate Medical University May, 2022. Grace, who is now working full-time for the CNY Area Health Education Center and is in the process of applying to Medical School as her next career step, had this to say about her AmeriCorps placement with SVHC:

 "AmeriCorps gave me valuable insight into the health of my hometown. In conversations with farmers for our Buy Local program, I began to understand the barriers to creating a locally sourced food system. Recruiting participants to our produce prescription program required me to perform a thorough needs assessment, where I learned of my neighbors' struggles in receiving healthcare. We worked together to find solutions that worked best for the individual patient's needs and goals. Their stories of triumph, such as finding a bus route to their favorite grocery store, motivated me through complex cases. I hope to integrate the lessons I learned at Seven Valleys Health Coalition to empower my future patients to lead healthy and fulfilling lives. SUNY Upstate even provided me with a 50% match to my AmeriCorps education award towards my Masters degree, even though they weren’t on the list of schools that match! I am glad I asked the financial aid office.”

Learn more about AmeriCorps by clicking the button below.

You can view all available AmeriCorps positions in our area on the Rural Health Service Corps website or by clicking below. Don’t forget to check out positions available at SVHC!