#FoodWasteFriday: My Food Scrap Photo Challenge


After my coworker, Adrianne, completed the Food Scraps Photo Challenge a few weeks ago, I was inspired to track my own food waste over a seven-day period to gain a better insight into my habits and personal inclinations around food. Here’s what I learned during the process:


Food Scraps Photo Challenge

One week of food scraps. One week of compost.

What was your biggest difficulty in doing the Food Scraps Photo Challenge?

For me, it was remembering take the time to stop and track my waste at the end of a meal. I tend to be a quick mover—getting on to the next “to-do” while I am finishing up the last task. I appreciated the pause that occurred so I could take a photo to log my waste. This brief moment allowed me the mental space to really consider what I was putting in the trash (or compost bin) and how I was supporting my body through the food I was taking in (or wasting!).

What was your biggest “lesson learned” or take-away from this exercise?

If you asked me to do this challenge several months ago, 100% of the items shown in my photos would have gone right into my trash bin. Now, through a simple compost system I put in place this summer, I get to reduce the amount that lands in my garbage can each week. I thought that doing this challenge would clarify the areas I needed to improve on, but I was happy to see that with the small changes I have recently put into place—like a compost bin that lives right by my trash can!—I am already making a substantial difference in the ecosystem around my home.

What changes will you make, if any, after this activity?

To me, this challenge served as an encouragement that I was well on my way to improved waste reduction in my home and to keep going. My father-in-law has a saying he often uses, noting that “success breeds success!”, and I feel this challenge has motivated me to identify what my next waste reduction project will be. For me, I think this means that I would like to find a way to recycle or compost animal by-products (bones, fat, dairy, etc.). I will begin to look in to how to do that through a Bokashi bucket.

Do you have any additional thoughts you'd like to share with your community?

What seems like the hardest part of starting to reduce your food waste is actually the most fun and creative aspect of activity—the setting up of your compost bin or system! While I decided to go with a discrete composting bin to fit my yard and neighborhood, with so many options for bin and pile styles, it would be hard for anyone to find a reason not to start composting. If I can do it, you can too!

I recommend checking out Crown City Composters for help, as you'll find all the tips, tricks, and instructions you’ll need to get you started in your composting journey. Also, purchasing or building a compost bin can make for a great autumnal family project as well, so don’t be afraid to get the family involved!


Would you like to be a part of Seven Valleys Food Rescue Food Scrap Photo Challenge?

If so, email us!

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