Dustin and Doug - Keeping Up the Good Work

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Dustin: The first weekend is gone and I finished my first complete week of being smoke free. It did feel quite remarkable to hit that goal on my own without slipping even once. Cravings seem to be less, but hit hard when they come. I have been choosing a lot less gum, and lozenges. I noticed they taste horrible and only use them as needed. Weighed in approximately 10PM and had gained 3.8 pounds, bringing me to 178.2 pounds in 7 days. Yesterday, June 19, was my 8th day. I do notice I'm on edge more, and getting a little irritable here and there over small things. I'm content at this point during the night, but continue noting feelings and actions throughout the days. Mornings are by far the hardest times for me. Being around friends who smoke isn't a bother as of yet.

SVHC: Drove by Dustin's place of work and decided to stop.  You could never tell that Dustin is irritable.  He was washing cars with a big smile on his face and said things were going well. You always bring the sunshine, Dustin.  Keep going!