What is Supports for Health (SFH) Transportation Assistance?
This SFH program component provides transportation to destinations and services not covered by Medicaid transportation, but essential to supporting health, prevention of hospitalizations, and/or re-admissions. This program offers short-term, non-emergency transportation assistance to help you meet your health-related needs. Program participants must meet SFH eligibility requirements.
How do I get referred for Transportation Assistance?
You can get a referral from a doctor or community organization for Supports for Health. Self referral is available via email phone call or form below. Please note this is a non-emergency program, applications will be reviewed within 5 days of submission.
Supports for Health provides short-term, non-emergency transportation services to support health, such as but not limited to:
Access to food
Classes to improve your health (health education, physical activity, etc.)
Prescriptions or medical supplies
Apply for or renewing crucial benefits
Employment opportunities
Non-Medicaid medical appointments
How do I apply?
Applications will be reviewed within five business days.
If approved, we will identify the most cost-effective solution for your needs.

+ Do I have to be referred by my doctor?
No. You can self-refer, but a referral from a doctor or community organization is preferred in order to provide the most comprehensive support possible for you.
+ I am a doctor who wants to refer a patient. What is the best way to do so?
Please contact us to be connected to referral methods.
Please note, any email originated by the public cannot be guaranteed to be HIPAA compliant.
+ Where can Supports for Health take me?
Supports for Health can provide rides to DSS, grocery shopping, prescriptions, health classes, medical appointments (not covered by Medicaid), job interviews and more. Rides may be provided out of county but each participant has a budget limit.
+ How many rides can I get?
Due to limited funding, we are only able to cover approximately eight rides per person at this time, depending on the cost per ride over a 12 month period. While you are actively enrolled in receiving this transportation assistance, we will also help you with planning and connections to long-term solutions, including referrals to other community programs. Our goal is for you to have a plan to address your needs when you have reached your ride limit with us
+ What types of transportation do you use?
Ride methods are determined by need on a case-by-case basis. We have partnerships with Cortland Transit, local taxi companies,and CAPCO volunteer driver programs. We will work with you to determine which mode of transportation would work best for your given situation and our available funding.
+ How much advance notice do I need to give to get a ride?
At least** 5 business days are required** to help get you connected to a ride. We use this time to determine your eligibility and meet scheduling requirements of our community partners.The more notice you give us, the more likely it is we will be able to help.
+ This is a great program. Can I make a donation to help increase the number of individuals you serve?
Yes! SVHC accepts donations. Currently, if you want your donation specially earmarked to sponsor a Supports for Health ride you will have to mail a check to Seven Valleys Health Coalition (10 Kennedy Parkway, Cortland, NY 13045) and make note of where to direct your donation, or donate here via PayPal and email your earmark to us.
Meet Your Community Health Worker!
Elianny Duartes SVHC’s Transportation Coordinator.If you have a question, please connect with her.
To connect withElianny, please call (607) 756-4198 or email elianny@sevenvalleyshealth.org.
Please note, any email originated by the public cannot be guaranteed to be HIPAA compliant.

The Transportation Assistance component of Supports for Health is made possible through funding and partnerships with Cortland County Community Action Program Inc, and NY Senator Lea Webb.