What is the Produce Prescription Program?
Our Produce Prescription Program is one component of our Supports for Health program, using a ‘food as medicine mode’ to increase positive health outcomes by improving food security and preventing/treating diet-related chronic diseases by increasing access to and consumption of more fresh produce for those who live in Cortland County.
How does the Produce Prescription program work?
Currently, participants will receive approximately 22 weeks of fresh produce through a local Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) share, and in the future, we hope to add more options for accessing produce. Home delivery of the weekly produce box provided by the CSA share is available to those enrolled in the program. Participants will also receive support and education throughout the program, and the option to attend cooking and/or chronic disease prevention and self-management classes to help lead to lifestyle change.

How do I qualify for the Produce Prescription Program?
Participants can be self-referred or have a referral from healthcare providers and other community based organizations. (To be self-referred, please contact us — (607) 756-4198.
You will then complete an intake screening questionnaire with a Supports for Health community health worker. If you are eligible for the program, you will then complete a comprehensive screening process and become enrolled in the Supports for Health program and all appropriate components, including the PRx program if you meet the eligibility requirements.
+ Eligibility includes (please click):
• Low-income status.
• Currently experiencing food insecurity.
• Currently at risk for or currently diagnosed with a chronic disease which is known to be positively impacted by an improved diet including more fresh fruits and vegetables (Examples include but are not limited to obesity, Pre-Diabetes, Diabetes, Heart Disease, etc.)
• Willingness to complete all intake, screening and evaluation paperwork.
• Desire to accept supports that will allow for you to make lifestyle changes to improve your overall health.
• Willingness and ability, with support and instruction, to prepare and consume the produce provided.

Learn More About Our Optional Support Classes:
Let’s Get Cooking, Cortland!
Join FoodFeasible and Seven Valleys Health Coalition as you learn some tips and tricks about cooking healthy, wholesome, and tasty recipes. No fancy equipment necessary!
Chronic Disease Self-Management Class
We know that living with a chronic condition or caring for someone with a chronic condition is hard. If you or a loved one has chronic pain or a chronic health condition and are looking for ways to live a healthier life, let us help you with this 6-week class designed to teach you how to take back some control and start living a more positive, healthier life.

Looking for the Supports for Health home page?
Click on the button below to return to the main page.

Please click on the “+” to view FAQs
+ Do I have to be referred by my doctor?
No. You can self-refer but a HIPAA release may be required to allow the Registered Dietician to communicate with your physician.
+ I am a doctor who wants to refer a patient. What is the best way to do so?
Please ask your patient to contact us directly if you believe they meet the above eligibility requirements. You can connect with us by phone at (607) 756-4198 or by email (aaliyah@sevenvalleyshealth.org).
Please note, any email originated by the public cannot be guaranteed to be HIPAA compliant.
+ I want to participate in the cooking classes and the nutrition counseling but I don’t have any data left on my phone to join video calls. Can I still participate?
We may be able to help by providing the funding to allow you to have the data required to participate in these opportunities. Please contact us or let your Supports for Health community health worker know.
+ I really should eat more vegetables but I don’t really like them, know how to prepare them, or have the right pans. Can you help?
Yes! We have many resources to help you learn how to prepare your vegetables so they are healthy for you and taste great. We might also be able to help you secure other household tools you may be missing in order to cook the recipes. Don’t let these concerns stop you from joining us.
+ How many people will you be able to enroll in this program?
We currently have funding for this pilot project to enroll at least 50 individuals into the 2024 PRx program.
+ This is a great program. Can I make a donation to help increase the number of individuals you serve?
Yes! SVHC accepts donations and each one participant who receives all of the benefits of the full 22-week program and it’s accompanying components costs approximately $590+ (not including any SVHC staff time or other overhead expenses). Currently, if you want your donation specially earmarked to sponsor a FVRx participant you will have to mail a check to Seven Valleys Health Coalition (10 Kennedy Parkway, Cortland, NY 13045) and make note of where to direct your donation, or donate here via PayPal and email your earmark to us.
Meet Your Community Health Worker!
Aaliyah Camp is SVHC’s Supports for Health Community Health Worker. Aaliyah is here to help with all things related to health in the community—if you have a question, please connect with her.
To connect with Aaliyah, please call (607) 756-4198 or email aaliyah@sevenvalleyshealth.org.
Please note, any email originated by the public cannot be guaranteed to be HIPAA compliant.

The PRx Program is made possible through the financial support provided by grants from funders including FLIPA, the NYS Dept. of Agriculture and Markets, Cornell University, and the Northeast Organic Farming Association of New York.