About Crown City Composters
Crown City Composters aims to educate and promote food waste reduction and at-home composting within our community and is a part of the Cortland Food Project Rescue and Waste Prevention Program. Crown City Composters is funded and supported by the Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC), Health Foundation of Central New York (HFCNY), and the City of Cortland through a DEC grant awarded to the City of Cortland and to SVHC in 2019.
Resources + LInks
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Download Our Composting Guide
Our handy composting guide will help you learn about the basics of at-home composting, how you can choose the right composting setup for your home, how to navigate common issues, and more!
Composting 101
Hang out with Jared Popoli, from Cortland County Soil and Water Conservation District, as he teaches you the basics of at-home composting through this video presentation.