About Cortland Breastfeeding Partnership
The Cortland Breastfeeding Partnership (CBP) was formed in 2014 and has members that include representatives from local health organizations and agencies, as well as community members who are women’s health advocates. All members of CBP come together to work towards increasing breastfeeding rates and reducing negative health outcomes in infants and women in Cortland County.
Why Breastfeeding Support?
According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, the lack of support for breastfeeding is one of the leading obstacles to breastfeeding success. The Centers for Disease Control notes that infants who are breastfed have lower rates of asthma, obesity, diabetes, SIDS, and other chronic health diseases versus infants who are bottle-fed, and that breastfeeding can help lower a mother’s risk of heart disease, diabetes, and several types of cancer. Because we know that breastfeeding is a key influence for health and wellness across one’s lifespan, we are here to support, encourage, and educate all aspects of the breastfeeding continuum to create a healthier Cortland County.
Our Mission
To achieve the Healthy People 2030 goals to increase breastfeeding rates in Cortland County by promoting and supporting the medical establishments that serve breastfeeding women and through social change initiatives by providing community based educational and friendly environments policies.
Our Goals
The primary goal of CBP is to increase exclusive breastfeeding rates for children aged 0 to 6 months within Cortland County through community education and increased awareness and utilization of community supports pertaining to all aspects of breastfeeding.
Our Key Strategies
Clinical Interventions: Train physicians, nurses and other health care providers about the importance of breastfeeding and lactation support by implementing the NYS Prevention Agenda Clinical Intervention.
Counseling and Education: Implement multi-media and social marketing campaigns to change attitudes, social norms and behaviors related to breastfeeding initiation, exclusivity, and/or duration among target population.
Changing the Context to Make Individuals' Decisions Healthy: Promote and support implementation of standards for Breastfeeding Friendly Childcare Centers and Homes through CACFP and Quality Stars.
Join a Member Meeting
Our monthly member meetings are open to all!
Cortland Breastfeeding Partnership meets on the third Thursday of every month at Noon.
If attending, please let us know by emailing Gabrielle DiDomenico at gabrielle@sevenvalleyshealth.org.

Looking for breastfeeding help? Download our breastfeeding resource guide!

Interested in supporting breastfeeding in the Cortland area? Click the button below to contact us about becoming a member of the partnership!
CBP Accomplishments + Highlights
The accomplishments represent initiatives that have been an individual CCBP effort as well as those in which CCBP has partnered with organizations or agencies to support local breastfeeding initiatives and educational activities.
Initiated the Pump it Up for Health Campaign in 2014.
Sponsored select participants to attended CLC and breastfeeding specialist trainings.
Organized rotary club presentation on “The Business Case for Breastfeeding”.
Led distribution of educational breastfeeding materials to local doctors’ offices.
Spearheaded a Facebook campaign promoting safe spaces to pump at work.
Helped WIC to start an incentive program for mothers to encourage BF through a child’s first 6 months.
Posted a breastfeeding banner on Main Street (in Cortland) during world breastfeeding week.
Organized an educational dinner for providers about breastfeeding with neonatologist Dr. Lawrence Noble.
Creation of the “breastfeeding welcome here” (BWH) stickers for local businesses and organizations.
Organized a Lactation Counselor Training Course in the Cortland area with 42 attendees (Fall 2017).
Participated in #Milk4Moms campaign with Trinity Valley Dairy.
Began partnership with Breastfeedyourbabyhere.com.
Secured 15+ local businesses and organizations to post BWH stickers and pledge to become breastfeeding-friendly environments.
Hosted The Business Case for Breastfeeding: Practical Tips for Business and Healthcare Providers event.
Organized a Grand Rounds Networking Breakfast.
Coordinated a Lunch and Learn with Dr. Jayne Charlamb.
Lobbied for Mayoral and City of Cortland support for breastfeeding policy development.
Provided 1000+ Breastfeeding: A Great Start Book for Guthrie Cortland Medical Center maternity ward to provide to their breastfeeding moms.
Hosted Breastfeeding: The Mechanics of Latching and “Normal” First Few Days with Diane Wiessinger.
Lead the breastfeeding standee project in the Cortland area (2019).
Organized a Lactation Counselor Training Course in the Cortland area with 40+ attendees (Fall 2019).

“Mother's milk is soul food for babies. The babies of the world need a lot more soul food.”
- Ina May Gaskin

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