#MondayMeals: A Fresh Leek-ed Recipe for the New Year!

The first few days of the New Year include plans and aspirations for the year ahead.  Does your New Year’s resolution include eating more fresh local foods? Ours does! 


Cortland County is an area brimming with natural resources, farmers, and distributors. Food produced locally has more nutritional value, less chance of contamination, and also feeds our local economy! If you aren’t already getting into your car to drive to The Local Food Market on Main Street, remember that eating local foods can also save you money due to the high supply of seasonal products. The incredible benefits of eating local foods give the residents of Cortland County access to sustainability and self-sufficiency in their diets. Having total control of your plate also means total control of the nutrients that fuel your body, leading to a healthy and happy lifestyle. Begin the New Year by getting the healthiest and best tasting foods available! Your body, wallet, and local economy will thank you.

This week we are featuring a dish that includes leeks and potatoes, which are locally available seasonal foods. Read on for the health benefits of these veggies and a link to the recipe for roasted potatoes and leeks.


Potatoes are available locally all year long, and have some excellent nutritional properties. They are a great source of nutrients and antioxidants which are fantastic for digestive health, blood sugar control, and reducing the risk of heart disease.


Leeks are a versatile and tasty source of fiber, vitamins, folate, iron and magnesium. They also contain antioxidants, antimicrobial properties, and liver-protecting properties, which may lower blood pressure.

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Sweet peppers also work to fill this meal with vitamins, minerals, and other helpful plant compounds. These nutritional properties make them good food for eye health and even easing the symptoms of anemia.

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Olive oil is an excellent source of healthy fats and antioxidants, which may reduce the risk of chronic diseases, fight inflammation, and lower the risk of heart disease. Olive oil has anti-inflammatory properties which may lessen the risk of dementia, obesity, and arthritis. The antibacterial properties of olive oil may also kill harmful bacteria that lead to stomach ulcers and cancer. Additionally, olive oil might lower the risk of stroke and type 2 diabetes.

Why not start the New Year off by eating healthy while supporting our local economy? Be sure to visit The Local Food Market or sign up for a CSA through Main Street Farms to find fresh and locally produced seasonal products.
