#FoodWasteFriday: Respect for Food is Respect for Life


“Respect for food is a respect for life, for who we are and what we do.” – Thomas Keller

Popular Science highlighted a neat way of looking at food waste that we thought was impressive enough to share:


To reduce the unbelievable amount of food waste that happens globally—about a third of what we grow, raise, or produce in the world is wasted—using spoils-on date rather than a sell-by date labeling, improving roads to help with transportation, timing harvest size with local processing capabilities, and having state- or country-wide awareness campaigns can be proven ways to reduce food waste notes Katie Peek.

While we wait for the “larger systems” to catch up with what we’ve known for a good while from looking at our own trash bins, there’s always something one can do in the here and now to reduce food waste and show a little respect for life.

Want to learn more about this topic? Click on the button below for a great list of food waste articles from Popular Science!